
Other Name(s): Glads
Flowers: Check out the rainbow
Bloom Time: July to October, depending on when planted
Height x Width: 2’- 4’ x 5’
Type: Tender, although a new variety of hard has hit the market
Zones: 5, 6
When to Plant
Plant Gladiolus in mid-late spring after planting summer blooming annuals. Expect flowers eight weeks after planting. Remember to space out the plantings to extend the blooming season.
Where to Plant
Gladiolus, like all other bulbs need good drainage. Avoid areas of heavy gumbo clay. Gladioluswould love sun all day, but if that’s not possible, give them at least all of the morning sun. Plant Gladiolussix to twelve inches apart.
How to Plant
Gladiolus can become very top heavy when in bloom. Two important things can help. First, plant your corns deep. This will allow the soil to help support those top heavy blooms.
- For mini corns, plant the half inch corn three inches deep.
- For medium corns, one half to one inch, plant four to five inches deep.
- Large corns, one and one fourth inch or larger, plant six to eight inches deep.
For added support, place a bamboo stake along each flower spike and tie-off during heavy rain storms or high winds.
Care and Maintenance
You can dig up and remove the old leaves and corns six weeks after they’ve finished blooming; you don’t have to wait until fall. This is important if you want to use their garden space for fall blooming plants. Remember to take care in storing your corns for winter. If you are trying the new, cold hardy Gladiolas, wait the six weeks after bloom to remove the leaves and just leave the corns in the ground.
Additional Information
When cutting the blooms, cut the spike when the first flowers open at the bottom of the stem. Place the cut flower stem in water in a cool room for the first 24 hours. Then use the blooms as desired. Remember, when cutting off the flower, leave all the other leaves on the plant.