Best Deer Resistant Landscape Plants

Which landscape plants do deer avoid? This is the question we attempted to answer. First, we collected deer resistant plant lists from across the Midwest, over 40 lists were collected. From this information, we pulled the plants consistently listed as deer-resistant. Our compiled list was sent to over 400 nurserymen, educators, naturalists, and garden enthusiasts asking whether or not they found any of the plants to be left alone by deer. From the return responses, we compiled the following list, which represents the top picks of good landscape plants that are resistant or minimally damaged by deer.

*Note: Using plants in this list does not guarantee against deer damage. Deer populations and deer taste preferences are variable, and if you have large herds, you will more than likely experience deer damage. Information from a survey conducted by Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden in 2004.


*Ageratum, Allyssum, *Cleome, Dusty Miller, *Lantana, Nicotiana, Plectranthus argenteus, Salvia, Snapdragon, Vinca (annual vine), Zinnia angustifolia


Allium, Chionodoxa, Colchicum, *Daffodil, Galanthus (Snowdrops, Grape Hyacinth, Hyacinthoides (Squill), Leucojum, Pushkinia


*Ajuga, *Convallaria (Lily of the Valley), Galium (Sweet Woodruff), Lamiastrum, Lamium, Vinca minor, Pachysandra


Japanese Painted, Wood Fern, Ostrich Fern, Sensitive Fern, Cinnamon Fern, Royal Fern, Christmas Fern

Ornamental Grasses

*Miscanthus, *Pennisetum, Arundo, Sporobolis, *Panicum, Calamagrostis, Carex, Saccharum (Erianthus)


Bignonia (Crossvine), Campsis, Clematis Paniculata, Lonicera Sempervirens, Wisteria


Abelia, Aesculus Parviflora, *Berberis (Barberry), *Buddleia, Callicarpa, Calycanthus, *Caryopteris, Cotinus, Forsythia, Hypericum, Lespedeza ‘Gibraltar’, Lindera, *Myrica, Rhusaromatica ‘Gro-Low’, *Spiraea, Symphoricarpus, *Vitex, Yucca

Evergreen Shrubs

*Boxwood, Ilex glabra-Inkberry Holly, *Mugo Pine, *Cephalotaxus, *Juniper (low-growing, groundcover types)

Evergreen Trees

Magnolia grandiflora, ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’, Picea abies, Picea Pungens, Psuedotsuga menziesii

Sun Perennials

*Achillea, Aesclepia tuberose, Alchemilla, Amsonia hubrichtii, Aquilegia Canadensis, *Artemeisa, Aster lateriflorus ‘Lady in Black’, Aster oblongifolius ‘Raydon’s Favorite’, Asteromoea mongolica, Baptisia australis, Calamintha, Chrysanthemum ‘Becky’ (eat blooms), Coreopsis lanceolata, Crocosmia, *Dianthus (‘Baths Pink’, Firewitch’, Mountain Mist’), Euphorbia myrsinites, Euphorbia robbiae, Geranium ‘Bickova’, Geranium sanguineum, *Iris, *Lavendula, Liatis, Monarda,  Oenothera, *Paeonia, *Perovskia, Rudbeckia (eat blooms), *Salvia, Solidago, *Stachys ‘Helene Von  Stein’, *Thymus serphyllum, Veronica

Shade Perennials

Aquilegia, *Brunnera, Chelone, Dicentra, *Epimedium, *Galium odoratum, *Helleborus, Heuchera Villosa, Lamium, Lamiastrum, pulmonaria, Tiarell

Plants Deer Love Most

Roses, Hostas, Impatiens, Taxus, Holly—Blue and China, Euonymous, Rhododendron, Tulips, Arborvitae, Daylily, Sedum, Phlox paniculata, Oakleaf Hydrangea, White Pine, Scabiosa

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