The Knock Out® Rose is for people who want a season-long flowering plant that requires very little work. Once established, Knock Out® Roses require minimal maintenance. Even if you do no maintenance, they will survive and flower. It is highly resistant to black spot, other diseases, and insect problems.
Follow these tips to maximize the impact of the Knock Out® in your landscape
- When it is first planted, water it as you would any other shrub. Test the soil first and if dry, then water. Once established, they become very drought tolerant.
- They will continue to bloom even if you do not remove the spent flowers. However, if you do remove the flowers as they finish blooming, the plant will produce new ones more quickly.
- Knock Outs® do not require any winterizing (mulching) like other roses.
- Fertilize the Knock Out® with granular rose food several times each season.
- If your Knock Out® is affected by insects, the damage will only be cosmetic and won’t hurt the plant. Any insect problems are limited to the very short life span of the insect. If you are concerned about insects, we can help with the right product.
- Each March, cut the whole plant down to about 8-10” above the ground.
That’s about it. Enjoy this wonderful plant!