
Tropicanna® Black Canna
Light Requirements: Sun to half day shade
Other Name(s): Hybrid Canna
Flowers: Red, pink, salmon, yellow to some bicolor
Bloom Time: Mid-summer through fall
Height x Width: 3’- 6’ x 2.5’- 3’
Type: Tender
Zones: 5, 6

When to Plant

Plant the Tuberous rootstocks directly into the soil in late spring. Canna Tubers need a soil temperature of at least sixty-five degrees, which means late May in zone 6, mid-June in zone 5. You can pre-start Cannas in pots indoors in late April. Potted plants will also be available from some garden stores in mid-May already growing.

Where to Plant

Cannas want lots of sun and good drainage. They will tolerate light clay soil.

How to Plant

Loosen the soil in the bed down six to eight inches. Make sure each Rhizome has at least one but not more than two eyes. Those are pointed swellings on what looks like a root. Plant so the eyes are three to four inches deep in the soil. Plant Cannas on eighteen inch centers to allow room for each Tuber to grow.

Care and Maintenance

Cannas need lots of hot sun. They also want some water during the dry periods of summer. When fall frosts first appears, dig up your plants with the Rhizomes attached. Lay out on newspaper in the sun and let the leaves and stems dry. Store the Rhizomes like the Dahlias. Separate the stems and dried leaves from the Rhizomes, store the Rhizomes in a dark, cool place over the winter. Lightly cover the Canna Rhizomes in moist, but not wet peat. Check monthly so they don’t dry out.

Additional Information

Do not over water or plant too close to each other. This will greatly reduce the risk of stem rot.

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